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Why Cybersecurity is it a Good Career?

Cybersecurity, is a Challenge for Companies, a Promising Field for Students

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Because cybersecurity concerns the vast majority of companies today, both in France and in the rest of the world, students are called upon to meet these new expectations, by training to become the guarantors of development in complete…. Security.

Cybersecurity is a growing industry with chances for students

All economists agree in emphasizing the importance of digital technology in the emergence of new professions. Digital concentrates a large part of the opportunities available to students in 2019. Digital transformation allows everyone to find training that meets their aspirations and preferences. Thus, obtaining a BTS NDRC (Negotiating and Digitizing Customer Relations) will allow candidates to apply as sales promoters or commercial managers. 

The most ambitious students will be able to engage in even more specific courses, by becoming Web Architects or Digital UX / UI Experts. By definition, the new professions called upon to recruit in the years to come are not yet known today, even if a good knowledge of the digital and web ecosystem makes it possible to identify underlying trends. Cybersecurity is thus emerging as an area in which companies will multiply job creation in the years to come.

Become a Cybersecurity expert to meet the most stringent business requirements

With the obtaining of a diploma of Expert in Cybersecurity, a diploma of Bac +5 level recognized by the State, the student meets the expectations of a large majority of companies. Undoubtedly, there has been an increase in cybercrime, for several years, and companies are increasingly targeted by these new types of criminals. 

In mid-April 2019, the insurer Euler Hermes published, in collaboration with the Association of financial directors (DFCG), the fifth edition of its barometer devoted to this problem, and the finding is worrying in more ways than one.

7 out of 10 companies victims of an attack or fraud in 2018


In 2018, 7 out of 10 businesses suffered at least one fraud attempt or attack, and cybercrime is on the rise. Indeed, while 10% of companies admitted to having been the victim of more than 10 cyberattacks in 2017, this proportion rose to 24% in 2018. Among the most recurrent attacks in France, we find the intrusion into the systems of business information. 

This explains why the majority of companies, 78% to be precise, consider it essential to have to protect themselves against these new threats, especially since the trend for 
the first months of 2019 are still on the rise.

Think about cybersecurity studies as a path to a demanding professional career.

This is why companies are increasing the recruitment of specialists in this field, and the task is immense. Cybersecurity consultant, project manager, architect, administrator or even SOC analyst, the professions dedicated to cybersecurity are as numerous as they are varied. Of course, a cybersecurity expert will rely on a perfect and mastered knowledge of IT, both in terms of coding and architecture. But the student, choosing to embark on this path, will also have to demonstrate a great ability to adapt also to “listen”

As the profession of digital security experts is structured, cybercriminals are also becoming more and more imaginative, developing ever more sophisticated attacks.

In addition, since the media coverage of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), Internet users have become fully aware that digital security is one of the challenges of tomorrow. 

Today, no company can grow without demonstrating its ability to face all types of threats. Cybersecurity, if it is essential to protect oneself, has become essential to reinforce the brand image of all companies. 

It is in this that deciding to engage in training devoted to Cybersecurity but also to Blockchain (this innovative technology poses new problems in terms of flow security) represents a promising path for candidates, who will be responsible for fighting against the constant increase in these attacks, which only qualify as virtual.

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